Danielle and Rory are newlyweds living in Philadelphia, where they moved from their native Minnesota. They came to Philly for law school at Drexel University, but currently only Danielle has remained strong in her quest. She recently reached the end of her first year, and is now a legal rock star! For the summer she is interning at Philadelphia VIP (see post of February 26, "Spotlight: Philadelphia VIP"). Rory dropped out and is now working for a federal contractor as a writer. Check out the blog, where these happily-married white kids post about their adventures in food, a little travel, and then some more well-earned food. Sometimes, when Rory is asleep, Danielle even throws in some posts about crafts and other boring things, if you're into that.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

And the Winner is...

We are in the season of award shows and this past Sunday was the Golden Globes. Rory and I don't really care about award shows or celebrity gossip. Outside of reading a short article in the newspaper about who won the major categories to stay relevant, we have no knowledge of how the night went, or even what the movies and who the actors were. Despite all of that - I think the award show concept provides a good platform for this blog post (we are, after all, trying to stay current :). So, here are the categories and big winners from the past week or so:

1. Most Bad-Ass Move by a Minnesota Girl who Moved to Philadelphia goes to... Danielle!
The story: This weekend, maybe on Sunday night, I was feeling upset about something (it's not important that I don't remember what about). After voicing my feelings to Rory, I stormed to the kitchen to get some water. As I reached into the cupboard to grab a glass, I noticed a cockroach (a young, small one but I don't want to belittle my moment too much) running towards the edge of the counter top. Without even thinking for a second, I ball my hand into a fist and slam it down on top of that little cockroach - my first bare handed cockroach killing! I'd say that is a pretty bad-ass move for me.

2. Best Frozen in Shock Moment goes to...Rory and Danielle!
The story: It has been much established in this blog that Rory and I have a bit of a problem with cockroaches. This is not atypical for Philadelphia and it has never really bothered us because the cockroaches are on the smallish size and only bother us every couple of weeks. An un-established fact is that our bathroom light is in the middle of the room instead of next to the door so you must walk into the room in the dark before turning on the light. Last night I go to the bathroom to get ready for bed. I walk into the dark bathroom and turn on the light. Then, I decided to pick up something that had fallen on the floor in the hallway so I back out of the room a bit and look down. Something near the edge of the bath tub catches my eye- A BIG MAMA ROACH! It was seriously big. I stand frozen in shock then yell out, "Rory, come here quickly and see this!" He comes to the bathroom and looks at what I am pointing at- the biggest roach we've seen inside here- and stands in the doorway, frozen with me. Not surprisingly (because cockroaches do not like to stay around too long after they have been spotted) the roach scurried off to the space between the vanity and the tub never to be caught, killed, or seen again. For the rest of the night and this morning we have been very hesitant about going into the bathroom. Not our proudest cockroach moment for sure.

3. Best Ingenious T.V. Antennae Set-up that Turns Into an Epic Fail goes to...well, by this time you've caught on and realize that we won all of the categories so I'll just go into the story. As followers of our blog are probably aware (and if you aren't check out the pictures from a much earlier post) we have about the worst T.V. Antennae situation one could possibly have. We have the waaaaaay old school extendable rabbit ears that are supposed to fit into a notch on the top of the t.v. Unfortunately, well actually not unfortunately at all, we have a T.V. from this century and it does not have the aforementioned notch. Additionally, to really pick up all the channels (and even so we still have to constantly fiddle with them to get anything) I had to fashion what look like real rabbit ears out of tin foil to attach to the top. This contraption then rested in a glass stuffed with a plastic shopping bag to prop up the antennae. On Tuesdays I watch Glee and then we both watch New Girl. Fox is one of the trickiest channels to pick up. The only way to get the channel to come in was to hold the rabbit ears up high and at a weird angle. So that we wouldn't have to stand there the entire night, we moved the glass up to the top of a book case next to the t.v. stand, taped the antennae into the glass at just the right angle, and then put one of those puzzle cubes/snakes things in it to act as a counter-weight. A little ways into the show there was a slight shift of the puzzle cube and we held our breath- but nothing disastrous happened - yet.  Half way through the show it all came crashing down, quite literally, and the glass smashed to pieces. After a quick clean up, I found myself in the exact situation we were trying to avoid from the beginning - I was standing there the rest of the show holding the antennae in the right position. Ironically, when New Girl came on, Rory said enough was enough and took the antennae, resting it against the wall with the T.V. propping it up in the front, and to our amazement the channel came in perfectly! Who knew we could have avoided it all by thinking outside of the box- or should I say glass?

4. Biggest Score on Huge Liquor Savings
Pennsylvania has very different liquor laws than MN. Instead of selling all booze and beer in the same store and having somewhat decent prices, they are in different stores and expensive. You have to go to a state run wine and spirits store to get alcohol or wine and the prices and taxes are all usually high. To get beer or any type of malt beverage, you have to go to a beer distributor or a corner store (actually, this is a benefit of Philly - the pizza, cheesesteak, and beer joints all over). Therefore, everyone has been telling us that the way to do it is to drive down to Delaware- a 30 minute drive- and go to the big alcohol superstores they have for all of the PA people. Last weekend we drove down there and found ourselves in an oasis. It was almost like being home again where everything was in the same store and it all made sense! Needless to say, we stocked up and should be sufficiently set for the rest of the semester - as long as things don't get too rough on us. Just kidding!

That concludes our awards for the evening. Hopefully you all enjoyed the show and will be joining us again next time.

Until then, lots of love -
Danielle (and Rory)

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