Danielle and Rory are newlyweds living in Philadelphia, where they moved from their native Minnesota. They came to Philly for law school at Drexel University, but currently only Danielle has remained strong in her quest. She recently reached the end of her first year, and is now a legal rock star! For the summer she is interning at Philadelphia VIP (see post of February 26, "Spotlight: Philadelphia VIP"). Rory dropped out and is now working for a federal contractor as a writer. Check out the blog, where these happily-married white kids post about their adventures in food, a little travel, and then some more well-earned food. Sometimes, when Rory is asleep, Danielle even throws in some posts about crafts and other boring things, if you're into that.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Journal: Tastykakes

Philadelphia has these things called "Tastykakes." They seem like a pretty big deal out here: I know some people in Minnesota who are from the East Coast still crave them! I have decided they are a lot like any other junk food you might see, similar to Hostess or Little Debbie snacks. I have no idea whether Hostess and Little Debbie exist in Philly, but at least for Midwesterners reading this you should get the idea.

I also don't know yet what varieties all exist in the realm of Tastykakes, but because they are such a cultural institution out here I feel obligated to find out and try each one. Danielle and I had our first go at them during an Academic Skills Workshop today at the law school. I pigishly tried like three kinds: Peanut Butter Kandy Kakes, Chocolate Kandy Kakes, and Banana-something-or-others. Just kidding I had four, and I just remembered the fourth: Chocolate Lovers Cupcakes. So expect me to be literally twice the man you remember the next time you see me, because it looks like there are dozens of Tastykake varieties for me to discover.

At the end of the first round, Banana-something-or-others are at the top of the leader board. I will find out their actual name eventually when I create the leader board. So eat an individually-wrapped junk food cake and think of us today.


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