Danielle and Rory are newlyweds living in Philadelphia, where they moved from their native Minnesota. They came to Philly for law school at Drexel University, but currently only Danielle has remained strong in her quest. She recently reached the end of her first year, and is now a legal rock star! For the summer she is interning at Philadelphia VIP (see post of February 26, "Spotlight: Philadelphia VIP"). Rory dropped out and is now working for a federal contractor as a writer. Check out the blog, where these happily-married white kids post about their adventures in food, a little travel, and then some more well-earned food. Sometimes, when Rory is asleep, Danielle even throws in some posts about crafts and other boring things, if you're into that.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Philly: Driving Us Crazy


Among all the factors that are going to make me and Danielle go crazy over the next few years, Philly drivers will probably be the biggest. I am going to attempt to be delicate (at first) in case any of our friends from the area read this, but honestly it is out of control.

Bike Lanes

First off, Danielle and I bike around a fair amount, and the city thankfully has lots of bike lanes. However, Philadelphians love to double park, and so the bike lanes can be pretty scary. Other obstacles frequently inhabit the bike lanes as well. For example, one of the lunch trucks on Market Street has the hookup for its generator on the street side, and keeps its generator IN THE BIKE LANE!!! Bikers often have run-ins with open car doors, cars turning in front of bike lanes, etc.

Turn Signals

Beyond these issues, signals in Philadelphia are NOT for turning, they are only for use when your hazard lights are on. They stay in shape, though, because hazard lights are perfected in Philly. Never have I seen so many cars driving down the street with their hazard lights on, and drivers also generally turn on their hazards when they are DOUBLE PARKED IN THE FRIGGIN BIKE LANES. 


Philadelphia is just south of New York City, both geographically and in terms of car horn usage. It needs little explanation, but it is a real pain to be walking down the street and have someone honk out of nowhere, scaring the crap out of you, every day. When you are in the back of a lineup of cars, too, honking your horn does jack except make everyone edgy.

Stop Signs

Absolutely pointless in Philly. People approach intersections like speed bumps, which is particularly deadly for bikers, who receive little recognition in the city. It isn't as severe as a "California Stop," or what one of my professors called a "Rhode Island Stop," (who knew?) but it is improper, dangerous, and super annoying, especially when considering all of the other really glaringly bad habits of drivers out here.


All that being said, maybe it's a trade-off: I for one would live a shorter life if I stayed out here very long, just from all of the stress and rage that driving causes me. However, because you can drive like a maniac (Full disclosure: Minnesota drivers have their own hang-ups), you probably squeeze a little bit more life into each day! At least I hope that is everyone's excuse for their horrible driving habits in Philadelphia. 


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