Readers might be finding that I only post about what Danielle and I do on weekends. I recently realized this, and the reason is simple: I hate the weekdays. I don't want to think about them, and you don't need to know about them. They are just law school all day, and it is ugly and gross. Therefore, this post is going to be about what Danielle and I did this past weekend!
Friday began after class was done. Danielle coerced me into going to Michael's with her out in the suburbs, and we got crafty things there to make a wreath, pin cushions, and some picture frames! It was fabulous. We also hit up Kohl's and Target; I bought some sweet sweet new jeans that actually fit me (my old ones were too short and too big), Danielle got a muffin pan, and we got various other things we wanted. Friday night Danielle made the wreath, we watched Ocean's 13, and ate Subway. Then, as is becoming our ritual, we cleaned the apartment until early Saturday morning. Something about midnight on Fridays makes us want to dust.
Saturday morning we met up with our friend Patrick at the Drexel rec center and ran The Drexel Gauntlet: three-person teams competing for the best time in an army-style obstacle course sponsored by the ROTC. This included stairs, swinging across a gravel pit, heaving medicine balls over a net, an army crawl, and walking across a balance beam (and more) all while lugging around a heavy duffle bag. We finished in a surprisingly awesome time and even beat some ROTC kids! Woohoo! We got free lunch, but sadly did not win the sweatshirts that we were hoping to (the sweatshirts were the reason we went). It was a lot of fun, though. We took this picture with an army lady to convince our classmates that we won:
After the Gauntlet Danielle cut my hair, and then we went to New Jersey with the Christian Legal Society for dinner at a member's house. He and his wife (and their adorable three-year-old Julia) prepared an amazing evening for us: cheese and crackers, lasagna, salad, bread, PIE!, chocolate chip cookies, ice cream, pop and APPLE CIDER! Sadly the night did not go quite as planned: another carload of people suffered some serious auto issues and were stuck on the interstate for over two hours! While we enjoyed cheese and apple cider, they waited for a tow, praying they would not get hit by passing cars or worse! Finally our host was able to safely pick them up, and after the ensuing great night of fellowship six of us piled into Danielle's and my Taurus and trekked back to Philly. Danielle had a particularly successful night making fast friends with Julia; they bonded over crayons and a coloring book.

On Sunday Danielle and I made our first-ever LASAGNA!!! It isn't as if we didn't eat lasagna on Saturday too, but we had been planning the meal for weeks, and the time was right. Check out the pics!
It was even more delicious than it looks, and we had a blast as always cooking together in our...not-so-awesome kitchen. The rest of Sunday was less successful, consisting of picking up a couple suits for me that were getting tailored, and then watching the Vikings eat it as always. I don't get to watch them very much out here unless, like last night, they are on primetime. It has really been a blessing.
Now this week it is back to work, looking forward to the second half of the semester and the fast-approaching HOLIDAYS!!! I love fall. Enjoy your weeks everyone!
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