Danielle and Rory are newlyweds living in Philadelphia, where they moved from their native Minnesota. They came to Philly for law school at Drexel University, but currently only Danielle has remained strong in her quest. She recently reached the end of her first year, and is now a legal rock star! For the summer she is interning at Philadelphia VIP (see post of February 26, "Spotlight: Philadelphia VIP"). Rory dropped out and is now working for a federal contractor as a writer. Check out the blog, where these happily-married white kids post about their adventures in food, a little travel, and then some more well-earned food. Sometimes, when Rory is asleep, Danielle even throws in some posts about crafts and other boring things, if you're into that.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Philly Speaks: No End to the Madness

Here is our second installment of Philly Speaks. Before getting started with the list of funny things we have heard around school and city since the last installment, I want to issue a brief apology. It has now been 8 or 9 days since our last post. It is not our attention to ignore our adoring fans, nor is it to say that we have become so incredibly boring that we have nothing to share with you. It is, rather, a reflection on the fact that we are fully realizing that no one was lying to us when they said law school would be a lot of hard work. We often find ourselves working late on homework to finally collapse in exhaustion and fall into a slumber dotted with bizarre dreams based on the weird cases we were just reading. We are also getting into the season of midterms, which take up a lot of our time and concentration. So, we are very sorry that we have been absent for the past week. Hopefully we will get caught up really soon (we have another post already on the drafting table and we need to fill you all in on our awesome walking tour of Philly we took this weekend).

Now, onto the list. I do want to throw in this disclaimer: All comments are taken out of context and may be construed to mean things the speaker did not actually intend. But, we're hear for comedic purposes, not to write anyone's biography- so I think we'll be fine.

-This rule only applies when children are engaging in adult activities, such as motorboating.
-Of course there is always more in the animal jar than in the child cancer jar.
-If you teach kids to drive the way I do, then everyone would be much safer. Although, there always was the chance they wouldn't survive their training- but that's why I had five kids; you always have a spare around then.
-What does "Bad Haircut" mean? Is it a baseball term?

And, because we very happily ushered in a new season of "How I Met Your Mother" last night, here are some of my favorite quotes from the last couple seasons:
-Oh thank God! Barney Stinson needs you right before his wedding, you assume there's at least one dead stripper in the closet.
- Oh okay, Lily. Why don't you have a baby with your butt?
-No, you're not a real New Yorker until you've killed a cockroach with your bare hand. (In Rory's case, a true Philadelphian)
-Wait, where are you g- that's a compliment! You're the least needy woman I've ever met. That's awesome! No guy's gonna say "Who's your daddy?" to Robin Scherbatsky; you're your own daddy. And mommy. And weird survivalist uncle who lives in a cabin with a shotgun blaming stuff on the government. 

Well, I hope everyone enjoyed that and maybe you even have a little smile on your face now.

Cheers from Philly,

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