Danielle and Rory are newlyweds living in Philadelphia, where they moved from their native Minnesota. They came to Philly for law school at Drexel University, but currently only Danielle has remained strong in her quest. She recently reached the end of her first year, and is now a legal rock star! For the summer she is interning at Philadelphia VIP (see post of February 26, "Spotlight: Philadelphia VIP"). Rory dropped out and is now working for a federal contractor as a writer. Check out the blog, where these happily-married white kids post about their adventures in food, a little travel, and then some more well-earned food. Sometimes, when Rory is asleep, Danielle even throws in some posts about crafts and other boring things, if you're into that.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Our Apartment
I guess all these chores and appliance and plumbing issues are part of being an adult, but with law school plus my lazy streak I don't know what we are going to do. At least Danielle is here to be a hard worker plus keep me calm.
On an awesomer note, the weather is finally cooling off a little. We had about four days a week or two ago that were nice and comfortable, but then it got humid again. Today it finally got a little breezy and BEAUTIFULLY SUNNY in the afternoon. Now over the weekend it is going to be actually cold, it sounds like. We are very excited to break out the sweaters and think of Minnesota. Probably bust out some pumpkin muffins, maybe some apple-something-or-others, no biggie. Fall is just my favorite season EVER!
That's all for now.
P.S. Danielle told me that I should not have apologized a few posts ago for what we do and don't do on our blog. Apparently it is a tip she read for successful blogging. SO I just wanted to quickly apologize for that post. Okay thanks!
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