Danielle and Rory are newlyweds living in Philadelphia, where they moved from their native Minnesota. They came to Philly for law school at Drexel University, but currently only Danielle has remained strong in her quest. She recently reached the end of her first year, and is now a legal rock star! For the summer she is interning at Philadelphia VIP (see post of February 26, "Spotlight: Philadelphia VIP"). Rory dropped out and is now working for a federal contractor as a writer. Check out the blog, where these happily-married white kids post about their adventures in food, a little travel, and then some more well-earned food. Sometimes, when Rory is asleep, Danielle even throws in some posts about crafts and other boring things, if you're into that.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Make this post's opening weekend bigger than the Hunger Games'!

I know that, when I read, I prefer a minimum 3:1 graphics-to-text ratio, and I prefer picture as graphics rather than, for example, charts or whatever else I might still have to think about. Keep that in mind as I now apologize for not providing our Blogregation with any pictures recently! If you are Danielle's Facebook friend, you can check out our recent Spring Break 2012 pictures, but maybe if you are all real nice we will make an album of them available via the blog, too. You should be so lucky: we look sexy in them. 

Nextly, Danielle had a great cockroach incident over the weekend, wherein she was using our handle-less pizza cutter (you know the kind?) to cut some tortilla strips, and a cockroach crawled out of the darned thing! She made some noises, which I from the living room instantly recognized as roach-spotting indicators, but still managed amidst her shock and disgust to kill the bastard! Woot! In fact, despite my instant and accurate analysis of the situation, which resulted in a snap rescue effort, she had done the deed by the time I made it to the kitchen. So yay for Danielle! 

In other news, there is no other news to report. Therefore, we bid you all enjoy your week, and we look forward to talking at you again soon! Also, look for our pictures, which, you know, may well be a more real promise than our virtual house warming party, which obviously never happened:( 

Peace easy,

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