Hello Folks!
As promised, here begins the travel section of our blog. This past Saturday was a bright, sunny, and happy day so we decided to head out to Ocean City, NJ for some sun and shore. It is about 1 hour and 15 minutes away to the coast from Philly.
We started our visit by checking out a restaurant on the boardwalk that we had Yelped before arrival. It was a cute, little seafood joint tucked back behind the main stores. It's called Hula Restaurant in case anyone wants to go. We both had the special of the day - fish tacos!!!! They were unique, but pretty good. Here is a picture of Rory looking cute while waiting for our food to arrive:
Then, we decided the best way to tackle the sensory overload of the board walk would be to walk the entire length both ways and see everything before deciding what we would like to do. It was a beautiful day so it was the perfect day for strolling along the wood planks, feeling the ocean breeze, and listening to the seagulls. They even have helpful signs to tell you how far you have walked. See:

Along the walk we picked up some "world famous" caramel popcorn from Johnson's, and it really was quite delicious. Then, we scoped out which mini golf place looked the best. The boardwalk is mostly little food places (not really sit down places, more like counters), shops, 2 amusement parks, and a number of mini-golf places. We narrowed it down to a Pirates themed one which Rory said really "called to him" with its Pirates of the Caribbean music setting the stage for adventure. But, there was also a Congo themed one that had intrigue written all over it. I told Rory he could pick and he had quite the time deciding which would be cooler. But, ultimately we chose how we always do in these situations - we went with the cheaper of the two (saved a nickel on each ticket dontchya know). I can't say that Congo themed mini-golf was a disappointment - there were even 3 options for courses, and we chose an awesome mine course.

And, it wouldn't be a trip to the shore without putting our toes in the ocean and walking along the white sand beach. So, that's exactly what we did! We finished it all up with a visit to Shriver's Salt Water Taffy where we saw taffy being made and were able to sample a fresh piece of taffy right out of the cooker.
All in all it was a great day in Ocean City, NJ. I won't ruin your image of this lovely city with long tales of the drive home. I will say that we ended up sitting in traffic for 2 hours while waiting to move the last 3 miles before crossing the bridge back into Philly because of a nasty traffic accident. This wait spurred us to get off the highway to turn around, temporarily landing us in Camden, NJ. If you have never heard of Camden before, let's just say we breathed a lot easier the moment we got the car back on the highway out of there!
But, enjoy the rest of our pictures below. I hope everyone else is enjoying the beginning of summer. Wishing you lots of sunshine and happiness, Danielle.
Additionally, we finally tried Rita's. It is a water ice and frozen custard chain around here. It's slogan is that it sells happiness. We had to buy some of that happiness. Rory clearly really enjoyed it! |