Hello Friends!
It has been such a very long time. I've definitely missed writing to you all.
I hope you all had a good end of summer and that your autumns are starting out splendidly! It is finally starting to cool down in Philly and Rory and I are getting very excited to start doing fall activities!
I can't believe that I am already into my 5th week of my second year of law school. The addage told to us starting out law school has thus far proven true: "First year they scare you to death. Second year they work you to death. And, third year they bore you to death." I am definitely feeling worked to death already and ready for a vacation. It's not just me either - I swear! All of my classmates seem to agree. But, enough of my whining - let's get caught up!
First of all, I finished up my summer internship on August 3rd and flew back to MN that evening so I could make it back in time to attend my friend Channa's beautiful wedding. Rory met me two days later (he drove straight through by himself!) and we had two beautiful weeks in MN visiting family, soaking up the sun, attending another wedding for my friend Kelly, and just generally having a good, relaxing time. It was back to Philly on August 18/19 (we got in at like midnight exactly) so that I could start school on the 20th.
Since starting school it has been full force ahead. I have 5 very interesting classes, I am on the leadership boards of 3 student groups, and agreed to be the Chair of the end of the year auction to raise money for public interest grants. Rory has been very busy with work - even having to work on the weekends to finish up a big project!
On top of all that, we had a very exciting, yet difficult, change - we moved apartments! We spent almost 2 whole days over labor day packing up and moving all of the many, many boxes from one apartment to the other. The move, as every move since we've been married has been, was full of problems. And they were made all the worst by having to move into a steep 3rd floor walk up on a 90+ degree day! But, it was all worth it when we were officially unpacked this past Sunday - that means everything out of the boxes and all things hung up on the wall! It looks great and is such a better fit for us. (Pictures from move day are below.)
We also managed to fit in a celebration of our one year anniversary - by going to a Cirque du Soleil show in Atlantic City! It was a great get-away/mini-vacation just a train ride away from Philly. See the pictures below!
Well, it's been great catching up. Hope you are all also doing well!
Danielle (and Rory)
Moving Days Pictures: